Friday, December 7, 2007

Something is trying to happen in your organization?

Something is trying to happen in your organization?

Lets start off with a couple of assumptions. Even though the old saying about assumptions suggests that I am already in trouble for having them I will hold out for the "truth" of these:
1) Your organization is filled with some very smart and creative people.
2) They know something important is needed, it is related to what is next.
3) This something is stirring below the surface and is felt as much as it is consciously known.

As the people in your organization work in the system of it they are tuned in to a collective wisdom. That wisdom is experienced as a hunch or a knowing that eventually will be revealed as the next great idea for a much needed process or a product. It may be the answer to your organizations next big challenge. It also may be that this idea could get left behind on the table for a variety of preventable reasons.

You likely don't need one more consultant to come in and tell you what to do. No one can know better than the people that are living and breathing inside your team.

It is more likely that the solutions are known at some level and if only you all had more time to explore, to reveal, to tell someone and of course to listen.

It seems counter intuitive perhaps that the key to moving forward in a good way may be in your willingness to slow down, do less, and to reflect or imagine more. You may be thinking that everyone is so busy how could you possible justify taking a day off just to chat, to consider, to celebrate, to huddle and most important to breathe and yet how can you not?

Take a walk each day in nature. You will be amazed at how much more you will get done and you will have a better experience doing it.

Take your team for a visioning day and reveal that solution that is right beneath the surface.

Bring in a coach to run it and free yourself to participate and to listen.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Great leaders and great relationships

Many people in organizations get ahead because they are very skilled and they accomplish important goals on behalf of the organization they work in.
For the most part these people found a good way for them to be used by the organization, they excelled, and conversely the organization found someone that could contribute exactly what was needed.

All to often though these very same people are not naturally skilled at leading the people around them in a good way. They get the results but they have an unintended impact on the people around them that is not optimum for everybody's highest performance.

This generally results in people feeling misunderstood or worse yet feeling used in a negative way by that "successful" person. Quite often the organization itself decides to ignore or turn a blind eye to that successful persons behavior because they don't want to risk rocking the boat.

Instead they expect the people around that one to put up with behavior that is ultimately not serving anyone including that high performer.
What is interesting about this is that the high performer would most often prefer to have better relationships and they are challenged very often by two big factors.
1) They feel they are too busy to "deal" with it.
2) They don't know how and are often scared of the perceived fallout of addressing what is not working.

When I am coaching someone in this situation I almost always hear from them, a strong desire to be a better leader. These top performers want to be better at creating powerful and respectful relationships and they do want to learn more about how to do it.
They are almost always challenged by the pressure of heavy workloads and it is very difficult for them to create a shift in their own behavior if their personal work is not supported by the team also doing it's share.

Or, quite often they are unaware of what is going on. They don't even know that they are leaving a trail of disempowered or disgruntled people behind them.

I believe that the performance of any individual and the team as a whole is directly proportional to the quality of the relationships that person or group is in.

This is where coaching can be so effective. A good coach can bring everyone together and guide the team members through a process that clears the air, reconnects everyone to the vision and values that they share, and then support them as they create some agreements that can help sustain the benefit of such essential work.

It is natural that relationships eventually get clogged up with unaired stuff. Usually this results in very ineffective performance and ironically the fear of addressing the stuff is usually much bigger than what it actually takes to clear it.

None of us would argue that we need to clean out water pipes that have accumulated stuff inside them and yet it usually takes a breakdown in a team before clearing takes place.

Imagine if clearing the stuff, and realigning visions and strategies was just a normal part of a years work.
Imagine if the energy between team members was always tended to and cared for and that breakdowns were recognized as opportunities for breakthroughs.

Patrick Ryan

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


This blog is intended to inspire conversations about what is needed for an organization to flourish and operate on the leading edge.
It seems more and more that organizations expect tremendous amounts of time, creativity, self-directed, and personal responsibility, from its members.
The last ten years have especially challenged organizations and the people in them to make decisions that result in high profitability, therefore being accountable to investors, while at the same time being held accountable to the communities in which they operate for the impact they have.
This is just as important for a small locally based organization as it is for a global one.
What are the conditions that exist that have members of these organizations feeling well used at the end of the day as opposed to just used?
What does it take to have an organization that empowers its members to take risks as opposed to towing the line and not sticking their necks out?
What type of organization is needed to move forward through the next decade in a good way?
What is the emerging trend that will decide the Leaders from the wishful thinkers?